Interpersonal gender- and role-specific socialization preferences for university students majoring in sports




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.86-89

PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Pavlovskaya1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Povzun1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Povzun1
Postgraduate N.R. Usayeva1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

There were applied the subjects’ gender- and role-specific socialisation self-rates to profile the gender-specific aspects of interpersonal preferences of sports-specialised students at Surgut State University. Questionnaire survey was gender-specific, with up to 150 students majoring in sports of Surgut State University being subject to the survey.
The study data and analysis provide a basis for understanding the interpersonal disharmonies of young people of both genders and for the relevant purposeful tutorial initiatives taken at universities and in families. In addition, the data are important for the young people and it may be helpful for them to rethink their priorities and values to be better accepted, understood and appreciated by the potential partners.

Keywords: gender- and role-specific socialisation, gender-specific behaviour, gender- and role-specific identity, gender roles, interpersonal preference.


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