Cycle work test in closed power loop: performance forecast application




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.83-85

PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevskiy
Surgut State University, Surgut

The study was designed to analyse the performance forecast application of the cycle work probe in the closed power loop. Subject to the study were 38 sporting second-to-third year students majoring in different disciplines at Surgut State University. We applied our own adapted version of the cycle work test in the closed power loop. We demonstrated that the pitch angle in the isoacceleration load phase depends on the individual adaptability, autonomic balance and individual muscular tissue quality; with the pitch angle in the isoacceleration load phase being generally dictated by the individual aerobic capacities; and the square of the hysteresis loop basically indicative of the general physical working capacity, regulatory system performance and efficiency of the bodily functions. Different characteristics of the hysteresis loop were found to offer different performance forecast potentials depending on the body mass and sport discipline.

Keywords: cycle work test in closed power loop, hysteresis loop.


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