Aerial reverse spinning hook kick with 540° rotation in taekwondo: timing rates




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.75-76

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Volskiy1
PhD M.A. Rogozhnikov1
PhD, Professor K.N. Dementiev1
1St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg

Our analysis of 120 video captures of freestyle taekwondo bouts (men and women) in the World and European championships for the period of 2014 to 2016 showed the aerial reverse spinning hook kick with 540° rotation being widely applied (in 93% of the bouts). We found this kicking technique being one of the most popular in the freestyle programs in fact.
Our analysis of the available study reports showed the biomechanical aspects of the aerial reverse spinning hook kick with 540° rotation being still unexplored. It should be noted that poor knowledge of and skills in the kick performance technique, the relevant complexly coordinated technical actions on the whole and body rotation elements in modern taekwondo in particular are potentially fraught with injuries. The study analyses the timing rates of aerial reverse spinning hook kick with 540° rotation in taekwondo generated by the kick modelling tools of Motion Capture software.

Keywords: taekwondo, complex coordinated techniques, aerial position, aerial reverse spinning hook kick with 540° rotation.


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