Game endurance test technology




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.72-74

V.E. Afonshin1
PhD, Professor M.M. Polevshchikov2
Dr.Sc.Tech., Professor V.V. Rozhentsov2
2Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

Objective of the study was to provide theoretical grounds for the game endurance development and test technology. For the last few years, progress has been made in team sports, it developed in faster, more powerful and efficient formats with the relevant revisions of the players’ fitness standards and requirements to the fitness rating tools and methods in the existing education and training systems.
The new method implies a round track being formed by a light emitter on a horizontal surface with standard width and straight and curved sections varying in difficulty levels where the subject may demonstrate his/her maximal movement speed and the body balancing and control skills. Furthermore, the track is marked by light indices into sections with the light marks flying along the track at the preset speed as required by the test difficulty rate. The tested athlete is required to repeatedly run the track with or without the sport apparatus keeping within the light marks, with every divergence from the light track fixed as a technical error. Video captures of the test process are analysed using a computerised test system that records errors and progress of every subject in every attempt to run the circle. When the error rate of the subject is detected to grow abruptly, the system will fix the stable run distance and time to calculate the subject’s endurance rate for the specific test mode.

Keywords: game endurance rate, text, technology.


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