Axiological grounds for individualized academic physical education process




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.42-44

PhD, Professor S.I. Belykh
Donetsk National University, Donetsk

The study gives substantiations for the values-driven reform model applicable to the academic Physical Education discipline and specifies the following key groups of criteria for the academic physical education process redesign initiatives: objective (i.e. the social requirements) and subjective (individual) needs for different forms of physical activity. The study demonstrated the need for every physical education form to be supported by the relevant theory, design concept, goals, models, tools and methods, with its connections with the other forms being specified.
The physical development and health standards of university students have been on decline and raised concerns for the last few decades, with the growing numbers of students qualified with special health groups. The study data shows that due individual physical culture needs to be formed so as the biological, social, physical (motor) and spiritual (intellectual) dimensions of the human nature are duly unified and harmonised; and demonstrates that axiological grounds may be effectively applied for the individualised academic physical education process design.

Keywords: physical education values, student’s personality, individualized academic physical education.


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