Professional life safety value orientations ​​in future physical education teachers




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2017, pp.15-17

Postgraduate E.E. Karpova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Akamov1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.I. Shukshina1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevyev, Saransk

The problem of citizens’ health and life protection can be largely solved by means of formation of professional value orientations in the field of life safety and health protection. This applies, in particular, to educators, for whom value orientations are indicative of their professional competency and personal qualities. Therefore, it is important to give future physical education teachers the tools to impart this kind of professional value orientations in the field of health protection and life safety to students, as these values are necessary and essential for predicting delayed negative effects and consequences of professional activity, expressed in the unity of its theoretical knowledge and practical training.
The research objective was to determine the level of formation of professional value orientations in the field of life safety in future physical education teachers and suggest the ways of their formation.
The study revealed that future physical education teachers’ professional value orientations in the field of life safety are a structural component of their basic personal culture and an integral part of their professional culture, which is formed and appropriated during vocational training and acts as an object of the pedagogical influence, where such additional educational program as "Safety Pedagogics" can serve as its tool.

Keywords: professional value orientations, physical education, life safety, competencies, student of faculty of physical education, physical education teacher.


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