Educational provisions for sport club cultural resource mobilisation for general cultural progress of university students



PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Gavronina1
PhD T.I. Chedova1
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Chedov1
S.V. Soloviev1
Perm State National Research University, Perm

Keywords: general cultural competency, educational provisions, educational potential of sport club.

Background. Modern academic education system is being reformed to secure new quality of the specialist training as required by the recent governmental regulations. As stated by L.V. Alieva, the education system reform is designed to create new values systems and offer new education models based on the modern cultural process theory and practices [1]. In the new values building process, a special priority is given to good culture in the academic and off-class process. A modern education establishment shall form general cultural competences in students as a basis for their professional knowledge by a variety of institutional forms including different associations driven by intellectual, creative, vocational, sporting and other interests and operating in the off-class hours.

The off-class activity may be viewed as an important factor of the students’ general culturing process with an expressed values-driven agenda. It is via the off-class activity that an individual proves and asserts his/her uniqueness and place in the vocational activity; manifests his/her individual approach to the content, methods and models of the relevant social activity; expands his/her interactions with the cultural universe; probes and deeper understands his/her individual resource as a personality and professional specialist; and develops those personality qualities that may not always be developed in the academic education process – such as creative, management, emphatic qualities, thinking culture, leadership qualities etc. [2].

Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate a set of educational provisions for the sport club cultural resource mobilisation to contribute to the off-class general cultural progress of university students.

Methods and structure of the study. The student’s general cultural progress may be defined as the integrated process designed to build up their general cultural competences (viewed as an outcome of the academic education) as required by the relevant Federal State Education Standards for the academic specialty.

Optimal provisions for the multisided general cultural progress are offered by different associations and institutions including academic sport clubs.

L.I. Lubysheva defines a club as the association of individuals based on the common interests and needs to format their cooperation and provide them with an interaction environment required for their self-expression and self-fulfilment purposes [3].

The study was performed at the Univer Sport Club of Perm State National Research University, with the club statutory activity dominated by the following two core fields.

Field one is elite sports including sporting activities of the academic picked teams defending the University colours in the top-ranking Russian and international events. Presently there are four picked team at the University: basketball team (qualified for the championships of the Student Basketball Association and the International Student Basketball League); football team (qualified for the National Student Football League); and rugby team (qualified for the Russian national competitions). The picked team education and training process is managed by a highly competent team of trainer-instructors having successful professional records including coaching of regional and Russian national teams.

Field two is mass sports that may be defined as the organised sporting activity of students within the frame of the healthy lifestyle agendas. Presently the students’ general cultural competences are formed in the sport club in 16 sport disciplines, with the club education and training process designed and managed by a highly competent team of trainer-instructors having high sport titles and successful professional experience.

Study results and discussion. Having analysed a variety of different possible ways to identify the key provisions for the off-class academic education activity to be efficient, we found the following guiding principles of the educational provisions for the general cultural progress of university students in academic sport clubs: an individualised approach; focus on personal gifts mobilisation on a systemic socialising basis; and due social-values-centred environment. The study gave us the grounds to offer the following educational provisions for the students’ general cultural progress in an academic sport club.

Provision one. Special events need to be organised to give the basics of the general cultural and behavioural standards to the students. This provision implies focused cultural influence of the trainer-instructor on intellectual, cognitive, moral, volitional, emotional and motivational components of the students’ general culture by a variety of tools including meetings with popular athletes; and focused discussions with success stories of the past and present prominent people, athletes and political leaders known for high standards of their personal culture.

Provision two. Students’ activity should be designed and managed so as to create due culturing situations to help develop relevant morals, willpower and behavioural models. This provision implies that practical activity and communication are the best way and driving force for every personality quality formation process. Therefore, a high priority in the academic sport clubbing activity must be given to creative teamwork going beyond the frame of the purely physical training and sporting activity; with the general cultural progress of the students being facilitated by their involvement in some socially important activity. When the students are actively involved, for instance, in the sport event organising and management activity at the university level and up to the Russian national level, and they have to share responsibilities, make rehearsals, bear responsibility for civic, patriotic and other leisure time events and otherwise contribute to the process – this valuable experience heavily contributes to their social culture and behaviours. They cannot but develop high initiative, proactive thinking culture, responsibility for the creative teamwork and awareness of their duties in the team.

Provision three. Due interaction should be secured in every component of the education system i.e. in the student – trainer-instructor – student sport team – educator communication elements to create an integrated and harmonised educational environment. Good cooperation of the trainer-instructor with the Physical Education and Sports Department plus mutual interest in and contribution to the club movement is pivotal for the efforts to create a harmonised education environment unlimited by the education/ training process only but embracing every element of academic, social, clubbing and off-class activity. This provision is supported by due cooperation of the sport club instructors with the Physical Education and Sports Department contributing to the theoretical and practical components of the academic Physical Education Module. The cooperation must be designed to: help monitor the students’ general cultural progress; correct it or encourage when necessary; and organise joint events with participation of the student sport club, its trainer-instructors and the Physical Education and Sports Department.

Provision four. The students’ general cultural progress needs to be rated by the relevant tests in the process. The progress test data will enable the trainer-instructor to trace individual general cultural progress paths and offer the most appropriate training models and tools to develop those personality qualities that are still underdeveloped at the moment in the students.

The above set of the educational provisions gives the means to mobilise the sport club’s cultural resource in the education process. We interpret the cultural resource as the combination of education models, methods and tools within the frame of the sport club cultural activity including the physical education, sports and other socially important events contributing to the students’ personality qualities formation process. We consider the certain level of the individual culture attained via the academic sport clubbing activity as an outcome of the students’ general cultural progress.

Conclusion. The academic sport club cultural resource mobilisation for the students’ general cultural progress in the off-class activity must be designed as a focused cultural process with the students, trainer-instructors and academic faculty viewed as its subjects, and the integrated education environment viewed as its content – that is unlimited by the education and training process only but embraces every element of academic, social, clubbing and off-class activity.


  1. Alieva L.V. Vospitanie kak objekt poznaniya: sovremennye nauchnye predstavleniya o dannom fenomene [Education as object of knowledge: modern scientific ideas about the phenomenon]. Mater. i stati "Nauka, obrazovanie i sport: istoriya, sovremennost, perspektivy" [Proc. conf. "Science, education and sport: history, modernity, prospects"]. June, 28 2013. Ed. A.G. Mukhametshin, R.Sh. Malikov. Kazan: Otechestvo publ., 2013, pp. 3-5.
  2. Baranova N.A., Baranov A.E. Teoreticheskie osnovy postroeniya i funktsionirovaniya vospitatelnogo prostranstva vuza [Theoretical bases of design and functioning of academic educational space]. Tver: Viart publ., 2008.
  3. Lubysheva L.I. Konversiya vysokikh sportivnykh tekhnologiy kak metodologicheskiy printsip sportizirovannogo fizicheskogo vospitaniya i «sporta dlya vsekh» [Conversion of sports high-technology as methodological principle of sportized physical education and "sport for all"]. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka, 2015, no. 4, pp. 6–8.

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Modern academic cultural system is designed to form general cultural competences in students that may be successfully built up at off-class associations and institutions, including sport clubs. Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate a set of educational provisions for the sport club cultural resource mobilisation to contribute to the off-class general cultural progress of university students. The study was performed at the Univer Sport Club of Perm State National Research University, with the club statutory activity dominated by two core fields. An analysis of different potential formats of the educational provisions for the off-class activity at the University made it possible to find a few guiding principles of the educational provisions for the general cultural progress of university students in the academic sport clubs, as follows: an individualised approach; focus on the personal gifts mobilisation on a systemic socialising basis; and due social-values-centred environment.

The sport club educative resource mobilisation for the general cultural progress of university students in the off-class academic education formats must be viewed as a purposeful educative process, with the trainees, trainer-instructors and teachers being considered the process subjects; with the consistent cultural environment established and filled with due content to facilitate the education and training process and contribute to the academic, social and club activity of the students.