Scientific approaches to build personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture in humanitarian university students



I.I. Druziyanov1
Y.I. Yakovlev1
A.N. Pestryakov1
PhD, Associate Professor Ts.К. Garmayev1
Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk


Keywords: individual values driven motivation, academic physical education, axiological approach, individual activity encouraging approach, sociocultural approach.

The relevance of the educational matter addressed in the article is highlighted in the key provisions of the Federal Special Program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation in 2006-2015” [14] and requirements of the Strategy for Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 [16] that defines its key mission as “laying a new technological foundation for the physical culture and sports sector with a special emphasis on the modern developments in physical education, athletic training, teaching science and psychology... human resource and natural asset management in Russia”.

The issue of the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture being built in humanitarian university students may be ranked among the still underdeveloped matters of the national education theory; and should be addressed on a multidisciplinary basis with due priority to the relevant theoretical substantiations.

Physical culture may be viewed as a basis for an individual socio-cultural existence and a genuine expression of the individual general and professional culture. Being interpreted as an integrated outcome of an individual education process, it is basically manifested in the individual attitude to own health, physical potential, abilities, lifestyle and professional progress; and is driven by the individual knowledgebase, beliefs, values-based missions and practical accomplishments [16, p.8]. 

Modern educational theory provides comprehensive fundamentals for the personality development process that is determined both by the personal culture and personal attitudes. An education model focused on a trainee and prioritising the attitudes may be defined, as provided by E.V. Bondarevskaya [4], as a “personality centred education” which core objective is the individual who discovers his/her own nature via a dialogue-based communication that appreciates personal semantics, individuality, uniqueness and singularity. As provided by V.N. Myasischev [9], “an attitude is realised and manifested as an external factor albeit it is also reflective of the internal subjective universe of each individual”, with the following three levels of attitude specified in the study: conventional reflective; specific emotional; and specific personal ones. Consequently, we would assume that the students’ individual values-driven attitudes to physical education may be interpreted as composed of the above levels.

Based on an analysis of the reference literature on the subject, we would specify the following theoretical approaches: axiological, individual-activity-driven and socio-cultural ones.

Analyses of existing scientific theories [1, 2, 3] show that the modern axiological approach may be defined as a philosophical and educational strategy geared to mobilise an educational resource for individual development, i.e. a systemic educational values-driven approach. The existing theory of physical culture [7] offers a wide range of physical culture values of which we applied the following classification:

- Intellectual values including the physical culture knowledgebase to mobilise the intellectual resource for the individual physical culture purposes;

- Motor values based on the best motor standards to employ individual and social physical resource, plus individual physical fitness, working capacity and health;

- Educational values including the methods of physical culture, physical training, competitive training, and a variety of skills and abilities in the physical culture and sporting domains;

- Mobilisation values implying the leisure time design and management, timely response, decision-making and self-development abilities in particular; and individual lifestyle design and management on the whole, with the relevant resistance to the negative effects of environment being developed; and

- Intentional values including public opinion, financial, economic, material, technical and legal provisions, plus individual motivations, demand for and commitment to physical culture and sporting activity.

Based on the above classification analysis, we believe that the modern axiological approach helps cultivate the following categories of students’ attitudes to physical culture: values-driven beliefs, conscientious attitudes and behavioural models collectively referred to herein as the personal agenda. The axiological approach to the process of the students’ values-driven attitudes to physical culture being formed helps identify sets of efficient progress rating criteria, tools and technologies to develop their conscientious need for and commitment to physical culture.

The individualised approach helps build up students’ abilities, willpower, moral responsibility and facilitates professional self-fulfilment process with individual resource and abilities, self-rating and self-improvement potential being mobilised and improved for individual physical progress. It should be noted that the student's high individual physical activity is manifested in high creativity, integrity and determination in building individual values-driven attitudes to physical culture. The student’s individuality in the physical education process is manifested in a range of qualities of the individual attitudes including the degree of appreciation of the physical culture values, healthy lifestyles and sporting activity.

The socio-cultural approach is governed by the study of values and generally interpreted as a technology facilitating the common human values being accepted by a student. Physical culture may be viewed as a product of social progress, and from this viewpoint “it is a progress of the individual physical, aesthetic and moral qualities encouraged by the socially beneficial activity, leisure time management, disease prevention, young people’s education, physical and emotional recreation and rehabilitation, entertainment, communication etc.” [11]. The socio-cultural approach considers physical culture both as a value and a product of individual activity based on spiritual values; and an educational process management system, socio-cultural personality development technology and socio-cultural toolkit for students’ physical resource management.

In modern academic education a high priority is given to physical education in its role of a social phenomenon based on the students’ individual values-driven attitudes. A questionnaire survey of the humanitarian university students we performed under the study showed the following: 65% of the respondents failed to define the values of physical culture; 72% failed to outline the effects of physical education on a personality; and 68% failed to develop due motivations for physical culture and interest in the latter; albeit most of the students reported a demand for physical improvements and progress.

Therefore, the theoretical grounds for the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture being built up in humanitarian university students give the reasons to believe that the above scientific approaches (axiological, individualised and sociocultural) make it possible to demonstrate the values of physical culture and mobilise the students’ individual resources in the context of the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture.

The personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture may be categorised into social, personality-building and individual components and are formed based on the relevant system of attitudes and individual health culture and agenda. The student’s personal-values-driven attitudes to physical education may be interpreted, in our opinion, as a complex integrative and multidimensional personified education with the student’s values-and-semantics-driven attitudes to physical culture being pivotal for the education process success and including the following: goals of and motivations for activity; ideals, predispositions, attitudes to physical culture etc.


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The article provides theoretical grounds for building the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture in humanitarian university students based on axiological, individualised and sociocultural approaches. We believe that the axiological approach may facilitate the following personal motivations for physical culture in students: due values-driven beliefs and consciousness, with good physical culture being accepted as a personally important goal. The axiological approach to the personal physical culture values building in students helps identify and apply the most effective progress rating criteria, methods and technologies to develop conscientious motivations for physical culture. The individualised approach helps develop the relevant qualities, abilities, volitional qualities and moral responsibility; and facilitate the personal and professional self-fulfilment by the individual physical resource being fully mobilized for self-assessment, self-perfection and individual physical progress goals. The sociocultural approach is based on the relevant values and is applied as a technology focusing the student on the relevant general human cultural values. The study data and analyses made it possible for the authors to interpret the personal-values-driven motivations for physical culture as the integrated and multisided special training essentially determined by the individually important values and senses in the physical education domain including the objectives and missions of the activity, its ideals, beliefs, views on the physical education process etc.