Health values in young people's consciousness



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.99-101

PhD, Associate Professor S.I. Zheleznyakova1
Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor A.I. Panyukov1
PhD, Professor T.Sh. Mamedova1
Lecturer I.V. Tarasova1
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the paper was to analyse the place and role of the health values in the young people’s consciousness and cultural demands. It outlines the key problems and contradictions of the modern development stage in the personal health culture related demands and expectations. Subject to the study were 14-29 years old residents of a typical industrial city. The quoted representative sample of respondents for the survey included a few controllable parameters such as gender, age and speciality, with the error rate of 5%. The study demonstrated the key contradiction between the proclaimed preparedness for the healthy behavioural models on the one hand and actual underestimate of the necessary individual health protection and improvement activities as required by the individual fitness standards on the other hand. The study makes a special emphasis on the objective key problems and barriers on the individual physical self-improvement path, including the accessibility of physical training and sport assets and financial affordability of the training services. It also considers the subjective factors facilitating or hampering progress of health cultural values in the young people’s communities – including individual interpretations of the well-developed personal physical culture; individual health elements; and motivations for the healthy lifestyles. The article gives an account of the young-people’s perceptions of an ideal healthy lifestyle; justifies the physical well-being and personality development criteria being applied to rate the individual success; and outlines the progress avenues for the social institutions to encourage healthy lifestyles in the young population.

Keywords: values, culture, physical education, youth, health protection, health culture, healthy lifestyle.


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