Volunteer movement to contribute to academic civic and national education



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.97-98

PhD, Associate Professor L.I. Batyuk1
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.M. Kornilova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Fomina1
S.A. Ruzanov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article analyses practical experience of the volunteer movements in the academic education system. The volunteer movement progress profiling at an economic university gave the grounds to the authors to conclude that the volunteer movements are on the rise and facilitates the advocacy for patriotic and civic values plus healthy lifestyle cultivation in the young people’s communities. The volunteers learn to respect the other people’s labour working hard in the process. Many of them are driven by spiritual values (rated higher than the material ones) in the volunteer actions, physical training and sports movements, provide good services and social support to the people in need.
The authors believe that activists of the volunteer movement and centres need to establish contacts with leaders of patriotic, charity and non-governmental organisations. For the volunteer initiatives being successful, the volunteers need support and facilitating provisions from the university management. It is highly desirable for the universities to develop and offer a system of incentives for volunteers. It could be helpful if volunteers are certified by the relevant identification documents with their volunteer accomplishments that may give them benefits when in the university entrance or employment process.

Keywords: volunteer, civic and national education, sports volunteer movement, charity, philanthropy.


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