Skill-specific competitive process designs in rugby union



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.76-78

S.B. Mavrina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Ivanov1
Y.V. Kruglova1
S.M. Nosov1
A.V. Nosova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article considers some issues of importance for the competitive process designs in the Rugby Union competitions. Based on analyses of the competitive records of rugby players classified by the qualifications, the authors offered an isomorphic element of game process. The standard element includes a few constituents dominated by the “game moments” and “rearrangement intervals”. The elementary game constituents were classified based on the statistical analyses of the data indicative of the skill-specific competitive game designs for the high- and top-skilled rugby players.
The study data and analyses demonstrated that the higher is the skill level and fitness the higher is the individual competitive success. Therefore, the individual competitive progress must be driven by the training system improvement efforts with due competitive performance rating and management system to ensure the training impacts being focused not only on the individual fitness components but also on their correlations – which have not been duly considered and factored in so far in fact.

Keywords: isomorphic unit, game cycle, game moment, organizational interval.


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