Sociopsychological adaptation of women in second adulthood in post-divorce period by applied physical training methods



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.48-50

Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor O.A. Ovsyanik1, 2
PhD, Professor A.N. Fominova3
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Mikhailovskiy4
PhD, Associate Professor R.S. Khammatova4
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
3Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
4I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to rate benefits of applied physical training methods for the social and psychological adaptation of women in the second adulthood in their post-divorce period. Subject to the experiment were 42-53 year old women (n=135) facing difficult life situations as a result of divorce. The subjects were split up into three groups: Study Group 1 trained in a gym; Study Group 2 going in for yoga classes; and untrained (physically inactive) Reference Group. The subjects’ adaptation progress was rated by the K. Rodgers and R. Diamond Adaptation Test. The study proved benefits of the physical training practices, with the yoga practices found to improve the social and mental conditions on the Self Acceptance, Others Acceptance and Emotional Comfort scales. SG-1 women trained in the gym showed progress in adaptation on the Proneness to Domination and Adaptation scales. The tested progress was substantiated by the individual reports of the subjects who generally reported improvements in the overall mood, progress in self- and others-acceptance, better feel and belief in changes for the better in the private life as a result of the physical trainings.

Keywords: adaptation, physical activity, women in second adulthood, divorce.


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