Fitness technology models for academic physical education improvement using ESTECK System Complex



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.30-32

PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Shutova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article considers the ways to improve the academic physical education by fitness technology models customised for the student’s “fitness profile” health groups composed based on the test data provided by ESTECK System Complex including the body component analysis, digital heart rate variability analysis etc. An education process experiment under the study was performed at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Subject to the study were 1155 first-to-second year students including 805 female and 350 male subjects.
The students were tested with “good” functionality rates albeit low responses to physical loads, low heart rate regulation, particularly in the female subjects; and the fitness technologies were applied in the primary stage of the recreation and rehabilitation process.
The fitness models for the basic health group students were designed based on the modern sporting and recreational fitness technologies applying elements of athletic gymnastics, CrossFit, martial arts, functionality building training, mixed systems, TRX etc. And models for the special health group males were designed based on the relevant recreation and rehabilitation technologies with elements of aquatic fitness, special body-building systems, billiards, all-round fitness trainings, kettlebell gymnastics, adapted combined systems etc. Females of the basic health group were recommended to apply competitive disciplines in the second year; whilst their first-year training models were dominated by recreational disciplines including aquatic aerobics, athletic gymnastics, low- and mean-intensity step-aerobics, medium-intensity Tae Bo, and combined systems. And fitness models for the females of the special health group were designed to include elements of aquatic fitness, billiards, pilates, yoga, body-building, health gymnastics, physical therapy, fitball-gymnastics and stretching.

Keywords: students, fitness technologies, physical education, individualized approach, basic and special health groups, diagnostics.


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