Aaccelerated academic swimming training model



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №9 2017, pp.28-29

PhD T.E. Simina1
E.G. Mikhalchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor M.А. Kuzmin1
E.Y. Sysoeva1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The article considers theoretical and practical basics of the accelerated academic swimming training model. Modern study reports show the students’ health being deteriorated for the academic education period, with the fourth-year students being diagnosed with a variety of cardiovascular system, chronic gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system and visual system diseases. Swimming practices are recommended as a unique low-intensity physical tool of high life safety value. Objective of the study was to profile benefits of different swimming styles and models for the first-year male students. The Reference Group mastered stroke and backstroke as required by the traditional training model. The Study Group was trained to master all swimming styles with fins. It was found that the experimental swimming model helps master the swimming skills faster and better, increase the swimming distance, improve fitness and develop the core physical qualities in the trainees..

Keywords: students, fin swimming, swimming training, swimming skills.


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