Hatha-yoga practices to improve physical education process efficiency



Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Kondakov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Kopeikina1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Balysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor А.N. Usatov1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod


Keywords: spinal cord disorders, spinal cord and muscular corset status tests, Hatha-Yoga.

Introduction. According to S.A. Egorova et al. [2], spinal cord disorders are diagnosed in 30% of children entering school and 70-80% of school-leavers. Time spent studying in a university, usually, just aggravates the situation: up to 90% of senior students have the mentioned musculoskeletal system disorders. Resulting from the increase in the number of students having various health conditions, it has become acute to design the physical education process for special health department (SHD) students. Classes with such students aim at health preservation, correction and promotion [1, 6, 11]. Summarizing experts’ opinions, it can be stated that researchers of today pay special attention to the issue of choosing effective tools and methods of health correction of students diagnosed with spinal cord disorders. As many experts have noted, physical exercises should be considered as the main tool of correction of spinal cord disorders, various kinds of gymnastics and swimming being the ones with the greatest health-improving effect [10, 13].

It is important to pay attention to the topical issue of physical load control when planning and conducting physical education classes with students diagnosed with spinal cord disorders [14, 15] for the reason that this category of students has contraindications for exercises associated with concussions that provide excessive pressure on joints, such as running on hard surfaces, jumps, dismounts and other abrupt movements. It should be noted that this leads to a decrease in an intensity of physical activity at classes, which, in turn, adversely affects the fitness level. This circumstance indicates the expediency of looking for such means of physical culture that would have a targeted impact not only on the spine of SHD students, but also on the functional capabilities of their bodies [12, 16].

Hatha-Yoga exercises including static and dynamic ones that contribute to correction of posture disorders, as well as breathing exercises that enhance functional fitness level are, in our opinion, such a tool [13].

The study objective was to scientifically substantiate and test by an experiment the methodology of the targeted nosological use of Hatha-Yoga exercises at Physical Education lessons with SHD students diagnosed with spinal cord disorders.   

Research methods and structure. Based on the theoretical analysis and summary of relevant literature, we determined the extent of prior research of the issue and formed an objective idea of the modern theory and methods of recreational physical culture as well as its practices recommended for classes with individuals diagnosed with spinal cord disorders [3, 5, 8, 17]. The experimental data accumulated up to now within the framework of the issue serves as evidence that the largest health-promoting impact is ensured by, firstly, physical exercise which is indeed one of the main means for improving the functional state of the spine; secondly, the following requirements are important: strengthening, stretching and relaxation; thirdly, swimming and various types of gymnastics are among the most recommended tools for the musculoskeletal system rehabilitation [4, 7, 9].

When selecting exercises, special emphasis was given to poses for muscular corset training that are performed from unloading starting positions. Such exercises are mainly geared to increase the strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles, enhance the joints mobility, correct spinal cord disorders, learn how to relax muscles and ensure proper breathing. 

The physical load distribution during each class was in line with the generally accepted three-part structure which presupposes the preparatory, main and final parts. For comprehensive solution to all the tasks of the class and more convenient distribution of the learning material, each part consisted of several blocks: the preparatory part included walking; joint gymnastics; breathing exercises; the main part included Hatha-Yoga practices; the final part included a block of Katsuzo Nishi health system. 

An experiment was conducted to assess the efficiency of the designed method of using Hatha-Yoga practices for rehabilitation of female students with spinal cord disorders. It has been held at Belgorod State National Research University for three years (2014 – 2016) involving 97 female students of special health department aged 17-19 years, diagnosed with spinal cord disorders. Physical education classes in the study group (SG) were conducted using the methodology developed by the authors. Initial and final testing in the study group (SG) was done to identify the differences in the status of functional spinal cord and muscular corset, physical development, fitness level, functional fitness and somatic health of the female students.      

Results and discussion. The summary of the musculoskeletal system diagnostics enables us to conclude that the functional state of the spinal cord of the SG female students has improved, which is confirmed by reliable improvements of indices in a number of tests used. In particular, an increase in the strength endurance of the dorsal and abdominal muscles and in the amplitude of movements in the sagittal and frontal planes were noted in the SG subjects. In addition, increased flexibility in the shoulder girdle resulted in the positive changes in the symmetry of the muscular corset development (Table 1).

Table 1. Spinal cord and muscular corset functional status assessment for the SG female students (n=97) before and after the experiment


М± m





Dorsal muscle endurance rate, seconds

60.08± 3.85

179.81± 6.51


Anterior abdominal wall muscles static endurance rate, seconds

34.12± 2.67

79.89± 4.24


Overall dorsal and abdominal muscles endurance rate, seconds

44.75± 3.07

153.62± 9.39


Romberg’s test, seconds

9.05± 1.16

27.60± 2.37


Lateral spinal mobility (side bend), cm


49.77± 0.77

44.75± 0.67



47.42± 0.88

43.54± 0.82


Shoulder girdle mobility (flexibility), cm


6.32± 0.74

11.34± 0.66



11.59± 0.58

12.55± 0.66


Bench bend, cm

3.90± 0.78

13.05± 0.59


Active flexibility from sitting position (front bend), cm

3.93± 0.60

13.96± 0.88


Active flexibility from standing position (back bend), cm




Passive flexibility from prone position (back bend), cm 




* - differences are significant by the Student’s t-test  (р≤ 0.05)

** - differences are significant by the F-test (р≤ 0.05)

*** - differences are significant by the Student’s t-test and F-test (р≤ 0.05)

Experimental studies have shown chest mobility, vital capacity, strength and coordination improved in the majority of SG subjects. 

Based on the results of the cardiovascular system functional status testing, significant improvements in blood pressure, the Ruffier functional test, timed expiratory capacity and Skibinsky index were recorded in the reference group, which indicates an improvement in the overall status of the cardiorespiratory system, an increased resistance of the body to hypoxia and enhanced physical working capacity.   

Summarizing the results of the study of the SG female students’ somatic health before and after the experiment, we can conclude that the inclusion of Hatha-Yoga practices into physical education process with students diagnosed with spinal cord disorders has a generally positive effect on their somatic health; for example, the  SG students had their strength and physical working capacity rates improved, the reaction of the cardiovascular system to a moderate load became less intense, and as a result, their overall health improved (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Express assessment of the somatic health levels of the SG female students using the G.L. Apanasenko's method (before and after the experiment)

Thus, the conducted comprehensive studies have proved the expediency of using Hatha-Yoga practices in physical education lessons with students diagnosed with spinal cord disorders. 

Conclusions. As things now stand in the Russian academic physical education system, a top priority is given to the initiatives to improve the students’ somatic health and physical activity; cultivate the need for regular physical practices (including self-training); and to find the most efficient and popular physical practices and have them implemented in the Physical Education curriculum [1, 4, 6, 13].

Our studies have proved that at the lessons with students having spinal cord disorders it is expedient to use, first, Hatha-Yoga practices including static and dynamic exercises that contribute to correction of spinal cord deformations and, second, breathing exercises that enhance functional fitness of the body. The exercise set of our design was proved beneficial as verified by the significantly improved dorsal and abdominal muscle endurance rates (р≤0.05), spine flexibility rate in the sagittal plane (р≤0.05), shoulder girdle flexibility (р≤0.05), bodily aerobic capacities (р≤0.05) and hypoxic tolerance rates (р≤0.05); physical working capacity rates (р≤0.05); general tested condition of the cardio-respiratory system (р≤0.05) and higher somatic health levels assessed using the G.L. Apanasenko's method: 1.35 points before the experiment versus 4.35 points after the experiment.

The trend of persistent deterioration of student’s health urges the national sport science to develop and have implemented in the education process a variety of modern health methods and technologies based on the integrated use of biomedical, psychological and pedagogical tools as well as motor activity means of a systematic and selective nature [7, 14, 15, 17].

In our opinion, the experimental methodology we have designed is such a means that has a comprehensive positive effect on the spinal cord functional status of students, contributes to an enhancement of their functional training level and general health improvement.    


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Corresponding author: kondakov@bsu.edu.ru


As things now stand in the Russian academic physical education system, a top priority is given to the initiatives to improve students’ somatic health and physical activity; cultivate the need for regular physical practices (including self-training); and to find the most efficient and popular physical practices and have them implemented in the Physical Education curriculum. The persistent student’s health deterioration trend urges the national sport science to develop and have implemented in the education process a variety of modern health methods and technologies on a systemic and categorical basis. The article gives theoretical grounds for a set of Hatha-Yoga exercises being applied to correct specific spinal cord disorders in students of special health group. The set of exercises of our design was proved beneficial as verified by the significantly improved dorsal and abdominal muscle endurance rates, spine flexibility rate in the sagittal plane, shoulder girdle flexibility, bodily aerobic capacities and hypoxic tolerance rates; physical working capacity rates; general tested condition of the cardio-respiratory system; and higher somatic health levels.