Essential features and criteria of physical culture subject



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №7 2017, pp.102-104

PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Byankina
Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk

The article considers some interpretational problems in connection with the notions of subject and subjectivity being widely applied by the modern Russian science in the physical culture domain. The notion of physical culture subject as the latest one is considered from a variety of methodological positions to analyse its essential features dominated by the activity, responsibility and creativity of an individual beneficiary of the national physical culture resources. Physical culture as such is analysed as a system with its key types and elements. The study offers definitions of the essential features and criteria of a physical culture subject based on the genuine meanings of a subject and content of the modern physical culture.

Keywords: physical culture, subject, subjectivity, physical culture subject.


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