Multidisciplinary theoretical and practical provisions for adaptive physical education centre for physically challenged children



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №3-2017, pp.74-76

Dr.Hab., Professor N.A. Fomina1
PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Ushakova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Fedotova1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd

It is commonly acknowledged today that a due priority will be given to the facilitating provisions for successful adaptation of the preschoolers and schoolchildren (including those from the low-income households) with health-specific educational needs for their socialising via systemic adaptive physical activities. The article overviews the key elements of a theoretical and practical provisioning program for the adaptive physical education centre for children with health disorders under Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture. The adaptive physical education process is essentially designed based on a set of modern high technologies including the special diagnostics and express test tools, integrated monitoring systems and corrective methods to improve the bodily adaptive capabilities. The program was proved beneficial as it gives the means to: improve the adaptive physical education system; step up the physically challenged children’s life quality standards and socialisation/ rehabilitation process efficiency; build up their motor resources and physical activity; create prerequisites for the physically challenged and health-deficient people enjoying equal opportunities in the education, development, professional career and active recreation domains and to eliminate their bad habits via the healthy lifestyle cultivation process; change the reserved attitudes in the society to physically challenged and health-deficient people; and significantly improve the assets and technologies for the physical progress of the underage physically challenged and health-deficient people.

Keywords: physically challenged children, theoretical and practical provisions, medical and educational monitoring, adaptive physical education centre.


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