Middle-distance runners competitive fitness rating by functionality test method



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №3-2017, pp.43-45

Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.K. Latypov1
PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Pavlov1
PhD, Associate Professor F.A. Mavliev1
A.V. Mastrov1
Master's student S.A. Gerasimov1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

The study was designed to analyse the anaerobic workability of 20-23 year-old middle-distance runners by a functionality test method. The test data and analyses made it possible to identify the most informative indices to rate the middle-distance runners’ competitive fitness. Prior to and after the precompetitive training period, the athletes were tested in laboratory conditions by a sub-maximal graded treadmill exercise test. The test generated the following data: anaerobic threshold (AnT): VO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/min/kg), HR, VE (BTPS) l/min, VO2/HR, and the anaerobic threshold reaching time; maximal oxygen consumption (MOC): VO2 (l/min), VO2 (ml/min/kg), HR, VE (BTPS) l/min, VO2/HR, and MOC time. The post-training tests were run upon completion of the mid-altitude training period.
The study data and analyses showed that a top priority in the middle-distance runner’s fitness rating tests will be given to the oxygen consumption at the anaerobic threshold and VO2max rates; with the MOC and AnT growth rates being indicative of the runner’s functional fitness improvement and potential competitive progress.

Keywords: aerobic capacity, maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic threshold, training process.


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