Academic sports on Far North: sporting students' heart functionality tests



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.99-101

PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Pogonysheva1
PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Pogonyshev1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

The study was designed to test the current heart functionality of sporting students on the Far North, with the tests designed using computerised screening analyser CardioVisor-06c system that diagnoses cardiovascular system disorders on an off-clinical basis. The dispersion changes of ECG were applied to diagnose premorbid conditions and profile the general variations of the athletes’ myocardial functionality rates. The young men and women diagnoses with pre-pathological conditions as verified by the relevant specifics of electro-physiological details and vegetative system dysfunctions were referred to further detailed medical tests and cardiologic consulting service. It should be noted that the non-invasive monitoring of micro-alterations of the ECG will facilitate diagnostics of latent myocardial dysfunctions in athletes to warn them on a timely basis on the overloads in the training process in exceed of their individual resources and capacities that may result in overtraining conditions.

Keywords: cardiovascular system, screening analyser CardioVisor-06c, dispersion mapping, physical load, premorbid conditions.


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