Benefits of water aerobics practices in academic physical education of female students



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.96-98

PhD, Associate Professor J.V. Korichko1
Associate Professor S.A. Davydova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.R. Galeev1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

The article explores the ways to encourage interest of female students to water aerobics promoted as a popular academic sport activity. It demonstrates the need for a high priority being given to aerobic exercises viewed as the efficient practice to energize, improve wellbeing and mood of trainees and secure optimal physical workloads for female students. In addition to the traditional elements, the sets of modern water exercises include special respiration practices and breathing-with-movement harmonizing practices.
The study data and analyses showed that the female students appreciate special water aerobic exercises associated with creative sets of water dancing practices. It should be noted that the proposed set of exercises is customizable to allow the coach spur interest of the students and facilitate the practices by duly individualized physical load design and management.

Keywords: water aerobics, sets of exercises, physical education, female students.


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