Team building concept as safety factor in sport tourism



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.89-90

Y.A. Karvunis1
Dr.Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1, 2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk

The fast growth of active forms of tourism is associated with a variety of challenges, and one of them is the tourist group formation approach. A prudent team building approach may be pivotal in the efforts to prevent emergency situations, conflicts and accidents and facilitate good team spirit and teamwork, with effective solutions being found both for individual teammates’ problems and hardships faced by the tourist team in general, so that the individual recreational needs and sport goals of the teammates are effectively satisfied and attained.
Objective of the study was to assess contributions of different team building factors in overall safety of sport tourism. We obtained and analysed data on the fitness levels of the teammates and their expectations in the trekking events. Subject to the questionnaire survey were the 18-30 year-old members (n=27) of the student sport tourism clubs of Tomsk city in the autumn 2016.
We believe that a professional and theoretically grounded tourist group building concept giving a high priority to the mental, motivational and other individual traits of the active tourist group members will be beneficial in scaling down the emergency situations, conflicts and accidents in the sport trekking events.

Keywords: sport and health tourism, team building, safety.


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