3D model of biomechanical system elements rotation around arbitrary axis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.83-85

Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Zagrevskiy1, 2
Dr.Hab., Professor O.I. Zagrevskiy2
1Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov, Mogilev
2National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the present study was to develop a technological basis for the mathematical tools and software for computerized 3D visualizing of a biomechanical system positions and orientations. The study considers the mathematical tools and software solution for arbitrary position of a rotation axis to realize every possible rotation of a solid body. We have developed the unique computer #D visualisation software for the modelled object positions and orientations within the preset coordinates of the rotation axis. The software was designed using Visual Basic 2010 Express algorithmic language in Visual Studio 2013 integrative environment. The software is based on a matrix descriptive method applied to profile the visualised object positions and orientations. The position and orientation of every element of biomechanical system may be preset both by the compositions of elementary rotation matrices and by setting the Cartesian components of a unit vector used as the arbitrary rotation axis. The proposed approach was proved beneficial for biomechanical analyses of the sport exercise video capturing data.

Keywords: sport exercises, model, rotation matrix, computation experiment, biomechanical system.


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