Billiards education and training module in physical education curriculum of university of economics



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.30-33

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Titovsky
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

New Federal State Higher Education Standards (FSHES) regulating physical education system (approved in 2015) have offered new opportunities for the projects to implement new policies, programs and sport disciplines in line with the modern national higher education system development concept and strategies. Being governed by the new standards for the variable (elective) physical education course, a new billiards education and training module (hereinafter referred to as the Module) has been developed and piloted. The Module was designed to help students master, in a phased manner, a set of basic skills, elements and knowledge basics of modern billiards. The Module practices were designed to offer increasingly difficult technical elements for mastering.
A pilot project to implement the Module under the physical education curriculum of a university of economics was found beneficial as verified by the growing and sustainable interest of the students to the course, with particular high interest and progress demonstrated by the groups trained for the whole academic year. One more benefit of the course was the inclusive design of the training practices – customizable for every academic health groups.

Keywords: technical elements, game components, billiards education and training module, economy students, elective physical education course.


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