Rating university students' fitness for GTO complex tests



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2017, pp.15-17

PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin1
PhD A.V. Posokhov1
M.S. Koreneva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Subject to the study was the Belgorod State National Research University students' fitness for the obligatory GTO (Ready for Labour and Defence) Complex tests. The study identified the least- and most-challenging tests for the students, with the sample broken down into four groups depending on the obligatory GTO Complex test results. The study data and analysis showed the need for an individualized training approach being applied to improve the efficiency of the students’ training for the GTO Complex tests within the frame of the academic elective physical education disciplines and self-training sessions.
The academic training process content and priorities to make the students fit for the GTO Complex tests should be customized to develop certain physical qualities. The students tested with dominating speed and strength abilities and flexibility are recommended to assign up to 50% of the training time to the general endurance building practices. The students leading in the 2/3 km races are recommended to give virtually the same priorities to endurance-, speed-, strength- and flexibility-building practices.

Keywords: GTO Complex, physical fitness, tests.


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