Questionnaire survey of school physical education teachers to rate quality of municipal qualifying competitions for Russian Physical Education Olympiad



Associate Professor, PhD T.V. Levchenkova
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Kiseleva
Associate Professor, Dr.Hab. M.V. Zhiyar
Associate Professor, PhD V.B. Soloviev
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The study was designed to poll, upon completion of the Russian School Physical Education Olympiad (RSPEO), opinions of the relevant school physical education teachers (n-382) on the quality of the event design and management. A special questionnaire survey form offered 9 questions designed to: rate the difficulty levels of the theoretical and practical contest; rate the quality of the refereeing service; and the quality of services to the competitors. The obtained questionnaire survey data revealed the following: the theoretical and practical tasks in the contest were reasonably difficult for the competitors; the refereeing service quality was above the average; independent experts need to be engaged in the panel to further improve the refereeing service quality; school physical education teachers are in need of additional special workshops to get ready for the municipal qualifying competitions for the RSPEO; and the existing feedback system needs to be improved.

Keywords: School Physical Education Olympiad, school physical education teachers, theoretical contest, practical contest, informational resource of RSPEO, RSPEO management requirements, municipal qualifying competitions for RSPEO.


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