Efficiency of seasonal therapeutic physical practices at children's orthopaedic therapeutic facility



Dr.Biol., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko1
Associate Professor PhD D.A. Ulyanov2
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko2
1Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch
2Volgograd State University, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to profile seasonal functionality of 12-16 years old females diagnosed with scoliosis versus their daily activity. The study was performed at the Children’s Orthopaedic therapeutic facility in Gelendzhik. Subject to the study were 12-16 years old females diagnosed with I-II degree scoliosis and coming from different districts of the Krasnodar Area for therapeutic courses at the sanatorium. Physical activity of the subjects was designed based on the valid recommendations to come to some 15-18 thousand motions per day. It should be noted that such physical loads may be only achieved by relatively intensive daily physical practices. When the daily physical activity of the children with varied degrees of scoliosis is maintained at the recommended levels, it helps control their physical development rates at the age-specific biological minimum. However, inactivity that normally dominates in winter time may significantly undermine the positive effects of the therapeutic physical practices as verified by the relevant low progress scores.

Keywords: scoliosis, physical activity, therapeutic physical practices, physical working capacity.


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