Integrating activities of medical university divisions for students' health protection



Dr.Hab., Professor V.B. Mandrikov
PhD, senior teacher N.V. Zamyatina
Associate Professor, PhD I.A. Ushakova
Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd

The article considers the ways to integrate activities of medical university divisions for the benefit of the students’ health protection initiatives, with a special priority given to the health and disease prevention competences being formed in the future specialists. Having analysed the VSMU health protection activity, we found that a special emphasis is made on different forms of class- and off-class-education processes being duly integrated. The education process content is designed so as to facilitate cooperation of different university divisions. As implied by the constituents of the modern academic health building environment and its specifications, this system can be considered as a combination of policies to determine the multiple options and mixes of initiatives, forms, methods, tools, operations, procedures and actions to secure a practice-driven students’ activity within the special academic environment. This system of institutional forms and technological units is to be focused on a specific objective, i.e. the health improvement and creative application of the healthy-lifestyle related values for the benefit of the specialists’ professional careers.

Keywords: student, health protection, healthy lifestyle, academic health infrastructure.


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