Effects of physical education on social adaptability of ethnic female students of pedagogical university



Associate Professor, PhD D.A. Cherepakhin1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor A.A. Shchankin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Shunyaeva1
PhD G.I. Shchankina1
PhD A.P. Mamaev2
1Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk
2M. E. Evsevev Mordovia state Pedagogical Institute, Saransk

Objective of the study was to obtain data on the students' anthropometrics, behavioural models and lifestyles. Subject to the study were the first-year female students of M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute. Presently the individual anthropometrics and constitutions are reported to change in many aspects the world over and in many Russian regions, with the role of physical culture being on the rise as it is commonly known to be one of the natural and efficient bodily adaptability improvement tools. The Mordovian female students were tested to differ in their anthropometrics and constitutions from their Russian peers, with the particularly high differences being found in the life attitudes and behavioural models. The Mordovian female students were tested with higher motivations for physical education versus the Russian peers, and the motivations were found to be of favourable effect on their adaptability.

Keywords: adaptation, nationality, physical culture, anthropometrics, physical development.


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