Correlations of hemodynamic and balancing indices in football players under orthostatic tests



Postgraduate E.V. Tarasova1
PhD F.A. Mavliev1
Associate Professor, PhD E.L. Mozhaev1
1Volga region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Objective of the study was to profile the blood circulation system responses and balancing abilities of football players under orthostatic stresses using standard rheographic and balancing ability measurements. The study was designed to include the following stages: Stage 1 prior to the orthostatic stress: balancing ability rating by the eyes-open 52-second Romberg's balance test plus the blood circulation rating in a prone position for 5 min; and Stage 2: blood circulation and balance tests using the eyes-open 52-second Romberg's balance test right after taking a vertical posture. Subject to the study were 10 adolescent athletes weighing 60-70 kg and 175-179 cm tall on average. The study data and analyses showed some correlations of the blood circulation and body balancing rates that may be interpreted as indicative of the relevant intersystem interactions.

Keywords: balancing function, orthostatic stress, football.


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