Role of dexterity in elite boxing bouts



Associate Professor, PhD P.V. Galochkin1
V.V. Kleshchev1
Associate Professor, PhD S.V. Skrygin1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Success in modern elite boxing sport is largely determined by the coordination abilities (including dexterity) of the athletes that may be improved by prudent selection and focused training to master the standard actions that help develop the required quality/ skill with time and thereby improve the competitive performance. Objective of the study was to analyse the role of dexterity in the situational and standard actions and competitive performance of the elite boxers who competed in 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in weight categories of 56, 60 and 64 kg; with 13 boxing bouts being studied and analysed using the study data of both the winners and losers in the bouts. The study data and analyses give the grounds to believe that dexterity is cultivated by special training tools based on a set of selected standardised boxing actions, with the standard action database being regularly replenished by new actions. The training system is to be designed with a top priority given to new actions selection, analysing and constructing process. It should be noted that the coach is to intentionally put a variety of barriers in the fighting action mastering process. Such practices with “unexpected complications” will evolve with time into “anticipatory practices” for the trainee, and are considered indispensable for the physical conditioning and special fighting skills excelling process.

Keywords: coordination abilities, situational and standard boxing actions, competitive performance, boxing wins and defeats.


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