Need for new research provisions for computer sports



Associate Professor, PhD M.A. Novoselov1
Associate Professor, PhD E.N. Skarzhinskaya2
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow region

The study considers challenges of the modern theoretical and practical provisions for the modern computer sports and identifies a few barriers for the efforts to improve the theoretical and practical provisions for the computer sports. Presently the national computer sports are in need of due theoretical developments and regulatory provisions for the coaching, instructing and refereeing services provided in the precompetitive and competitive process on a remote bases; whereas a few other sectors of the national economy including education, health system, culture etc. are now regulated by the relevant provisions to facilitate the relevant electronic communication. The existing Federal Standard regulating training process in the subject sport disciplines fails to cater for some specifics of the modern intellectual sports, with the trainees’ progress and qualification requirements (including the ones applied for their promotion to the higher-level training groups) being based on the irrelevant general and special physical fitness rates. These barriers, in our opinion, need to be removed as soon as possible.

Keywords: gnoseology, computer sports, cyber-sports, electronic sport, e-sport, informational community, sport training, education.


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