Kettlebell lifting sport benefits for health promotion and improvement agenda



Associate Professor, PhD A.M. Guryanov1
Associate Professor, PhD L.V. Konovalova1
Associate Professor, PhD V.A. Kashirin1
O.A. Leontieva1
1Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk

The study was based on a questionnaire survey of the young people’s attitudes to the kettlebell lifting sport in Russia. Subject to the survey were kettlebell lifters of the Ulyanovsk-based sport clubs, with the subjects being split up into age groups of 12-17 and 17 plus years.
The study data and analyses showed the following motivations for the kettlebell lifting sport dominating in the young people: physical conditioning; sport mastery and success related ambitions; and strength development and bodybuilding agenda. Respondents of both age groups reported the kettlebell lifting practices being of positive effects on their health and physical qualities and abilities. The systemic kettlebell lifting practices were reported to help improve the physical working capacity and, hence, the bodily functionality on the whole. It was concluded that the kettlebell lifting sport may be viewed as the indispensable component of a junior physical training system as the systemic kettlebell lifting practices help protect and improve the young people’s health.

Keywords: health, physical practices, kettlebell lifting sport, training, motivations, strength endurance, muscular system, strength, physical qualities.


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