New physical education vector for Russian higher education establishments



Associate Professor, PhD A.Y. Anisimova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.S. Yakimovich2
Dr.Hab., Professor I.G. Gibadullin1
1Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk
2Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd

The article considers the idea of a new physical education vector for the Russian higher education establishments in the context of modern individualized socializing education. The key difference of our concept from the traditional national one is the new vector of educational process geared to ensure individual acceptance of the socially important values of physical culture. In this context, it is the in-culturing process (interpreted as the individual commitment for physical culture) that is viewed as a key mission of the national academic physical education process.
The proposed innovative concept may provide a basis for a theoretical construct to integrate all the existing advanced physical education ideas and technologies for the benefit of the national universities, with every technology being properly timed and positioned in the process to ensure the education process being highly efficient and effective.

Keywords: innovative concept, physical education, culturing, in-culturing process.


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