Special strength development in highly skilled sprinters by integrated training method



V.S. Lobachev1
V.I. Zharinov1
1Academician Korolev Samara National Research University, Samara

The article considers a strength maximizing method applicable in the track sprinters’ training process, the method being based on a “hard version” of the integrating training system. The system implies the muscular strength being built up by at most three exercises performed in a high-intensity non-stop manner. The system attains a cumulative effect on the simultaneously working muscle groups by high loads geared to develop the maximal strength as a key physical quality. The training effect for the relevant muscle groups in the proposed method is attained specifically via the cumulative effect with the exercises being always performed simultaneously. In case of a separate performance of the practices, the strength-developing effect may not be achieved.

Keywords: integrated training method, regulated workloads, maximal strength, cumulative effect, generated stress, intensity, hurdles race.


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