Health promotion competency building curricula in secondary vocational physical education system
S.N. Sladkov1
R.R. Asfandiyarov1
V.V. Sladkova2
1Sterlitamak College of Physical Culture, Management and Service, Sterlitamak
2Lyceum № 1, Sterlitamak
Health promotion competency (particularly its values-and-motivations component) is to be designed based on due health agenda and healthy lifestyle accepted as pivotal for a fully-fledged life. The values-and-motivations component may be rated by a variety of criteria including: health role in the individual hierarchy of values; health promotion and improvement related motivations; acceptance of personal responsibility for the health promotion and improvement lifestyle; full awareness of the health promotion role in the vocational competences; and preparedness for a self-reliant health protection and improvement activity. In this article the theoretical grounds for the health promotion and improvement competency building in the secondary vocational physical education and sports system are provided and substantiated.
Keywords: competency, vocational education, health promotion, physical education and sports specialist, professional missions, health promotion competences.
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