Tolerance building in students majoring in academic Physical Education discipline



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.41-43

Dr.Hab., Professor L.V. Vedernikova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.K. Tsalikova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Pakhotina1
1Tyumen State University, Ishim

Objective of the study was to find the most promising ways and methods to build due tolerance in students majoring in the academic Physical Education discipline by means of the Foreign Language subject among other things. The study was performed at P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute affiliated with the Tyumen State University and took 10 years. It included an analysis of the relevant pedagogical and psychological literature, documentation and study data; educational monitoring; questioning surveys; interviews; tests and mathematical statistical data processing. Subject to the study were 240 students majoring in the academic Physical Culture discipline and 44.03.05 (050100.62) “Pedagogical Education” sub-discipline.We believe that it is the group/ game activity types that are the most promising for the tolerant attitude building purposes. Efficient group work helps the students realize that each person is different in how he/she perceives, interprets and rates one or another situation. The teamwork fosters their ability to fairly rate and analyse each situation, listen for the partner, keep track of his/her logics and intentions; and thereby their tolerance to a variety of opinions and positions will be successfully developed. The tolerance building process will also include due reflexivity development component to give the student a chance to see the own actions from outside to assess the own verbal culture, body language and behavioural models; plus analyse the own actions from the standpoint of a person raised in a different cultural environment. The training process will include discussions in the most appropriate formats (round tables, expert sessions etc.) to build up the ability to listen, share the knowledge and opinions, put questions, substantiate own opinions and find different solutions for the problems.

Keywords: foreign language, physical education, students, tolerance.


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