Luscher test to measure psycho-emotional state of female students from different health groups



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.35-37

Dr.Hab., professor А.А. Gorelov1, 3
PhD in Education, associate professor E.N. Kopeikina2
Dr.Hab., professor О.G. Rumba3
Dr.Hab., professor V.P. Sushchenko1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
2Belgorod State National Research University
3St. Petersburg Military Institute of Physical Education

Max Luscher color test, which is referred to projective techniques, is used in psychological, educational and medico-biological studies as an indicator of person’s priorities, and focuses on the evaluation of certain activities; it also reveals the most common personality traits. The Luscher test as a technique of measuring psycho-emotional response is aimed at female students of different health groups. It is well known that color can have both physiological and psychological effects. This article presents the data of analyzing the psycho-emotional response of female students, who belong to primary and specialized health groups, as well as a specifically selected group of female students with respiratory disorders, to Max Luscher color test (LCT).
Most PHG girls show goals and aspirations for future. They have a desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. However, they are not completely satisfied with their achievements, which makes them worried or even irritated. Moreover, such girls have to suppress their physical needs, which also can be a result of their dissatisfaction. As a whole, these girls are emotional, communicative and have an outgoing personality.
Most SHG girls are introverted and reserved, which explains their specific sensitiveness and vulnerability. Like PHG females, SHG girls have a desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. They are not completely satisfied with their achievements and have to suppress their physical needs, which makes them worried or even irritated. They are not quick-tempered, they have an outgoing personality and seek admiration. However, they are a little self-centered, they do not want to take responsibility. As a whole, SHG girls are more overemotional than the girls of other two groups.
Most GRD girls, like SHG girls, are notable for excessive self-interest, leading to specific sensitiveness and vulnerability. Like the girls of other groups, GRD female students have a strong desire to succeed in life, to become self-sufficient and to gain recognition in society. Similarly, they are not completely satisfied with their achievements and have to suppress their physical needs, which makes them worried or even irritated. Most GRD girls are submissive, unconfident, they do not persist in achieving goals. The girls seek pleasant but superficial interaction, they want to charm and to be admired. It is important for these girls how others perceive them. However, like SHG groups, they are a little self-centered, they do not want to take responsibility. As a whole, they are introverted and long for peace.

Keywords: Luscher color test, female students from different health groups, psycho-emotional state, stress resistance, activity, communication abilities.


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