Peculiarities of development of higher mental functions in athletes



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.29-31

Professor, Dr.Sc.Psych. V.I. Strelkov1
Associate Professor, Dr.Sc.Psych. O.I. Mironova1
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Romanova1
Associate Professor, PhD V.V. Trubnikov1
1Russian state social university, Moscow

As of today, psychological pre-contest training of Russian athletes is still the weakest aspect of their sports activity. The article presents the results of the study of the domestic athletes’ higher mental functions dynamics over the academic year. Subject to the study were graduating sports class students of comprehensive school, team coaches in various fields, and future psychologists. The following research methods were used: estimation of the short-term visual memory span by means of the "Mnemotest" block as part of the microprocessor hardware complex for psychophysiological testing; determination of the attention span using the "Gorbov-Schulte tables" method; Torrence test of creative thinking; E-series IQ test "Raven's Progressive Matrices". The experimental data indicate that it is imagination that undergoes the most significant transformation as the most sophisticated tool of psychological training. Higher mental functions are activated under the influence of the idea, which, being planted in the mental training process, acts as a subject-substitute for the acquired during sports training..

Keywords: higher mental functions, training, psychological pre-season training, idea.


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