Effects of extreme adolescent sports on emotional intelligence and coping strategies



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.26-28

PhD, Associate Professor R.V. Kozjakov1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.A. Orlova2
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.A. Petrova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Eremin1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

The study was designed to profile correlations of emotional intellect with coping strategies in the adolescents engaged in extreme sports, the study being the first of this kind and giving the means to expand the knowledge base of these phenomena to outline new ways for further studies of the subject. Modern psychology ranks the adolescents’ social adaptability problems among the top priority subjects, with many researchers focusing their efforts on these problems including the coping behaviour related studies. High interest of the research community to these topics may be explained by the negative social effects of the modern natural, socio economical and other factors further aggravated by a variety of stressors. This is the reason why the psychological studies designed to develop efficient coping strategies applicable in challenging life situations and thereby improve the individual adaptability are viewed as so important today. Well-developed emotional intelligence is viewed as one more adaptability improvement factor in addition to the coping strategies. Modern adolescents often face difficulties in the efforts to understand, perceive, express and control the own and other people’s emotions, whereas the modern sports in general and extreme sports in particular require and develop emotional self-control abilities that may, on the other hand, facilitate the emotional intelligence development initiatives.

Keywords: extreme sports, coping strategies, emotional intelligence , adolescents.


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