Team sport benefits for adaptive capability of adolescents with congenital and acquired visual impairments



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.17-19

PhD D.V. Savchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Pchelinova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.N. Feofanov1
PhD A.G. Udodov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

The study was designed to explore the team sport benefits for the adaptive capability of adolescents with congenital or acquired visual impairments – based on the goalball training course designed by the authors. The following progress rating tests were used under the study: Adaptive Potential Calculation index by R.M. Baevskiy et al.; Spielberger-Hanin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) test; and the WAM (Wellbeing-Activity-Mood) tests. Subject to the empirical study were 52 vision-deficient adolescents aged 12.6±2.3 years on average. The subject adolescents were classified into two groups with congenital (n=27) and acquired (n=25) visual impairments. The study showed benefits of the training course as verified by the statistically significant progress of the feel and mood rates in the group with the acquired visual impairments (AVI) and the activity rates in the group with the inborn visual impairments (IVI); with the AVI group additionally tested with notable reduction of the personal anxiety rates. The both test groups showed satisfactory adaptive capability rates following the training course, with the highest positive effect shown by the IVI group. The study data and analyses gave the grounds to recommend the adolescent adaptive capability improvement team sport course for the relevant health correction and education institutions in application to blind and partially sighted children and for the general education schools serving large numbers of visually impaired children.

Keywords: adaptive capability, adolescents with congenital or acquired visual impairments, team sports, goalball.


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