Health imaging pursued pursued by mass media



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.10-13

PhD, Associate Professor E.L. Panova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.Y. Tatarova
V.B. Tatarov2
G.B. Kondrakov3
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
3Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The study sampled a few leading printed editions including “AiF” [Argumenty i Fakty] Newspaper and “Zdorovje” and “Pro Zdorovje” Magazines to analyse their health-related coverage classified by types and topics and outline the mass health imaging policies pursued by the editions, with the relevant coverage being ranked by the contents and volumes. Subject to the empirical study of the health imaging policies pursued by the sampled media vehicles were 1752 publications in the “AiF” [Argumenty i Fakty] Newspaper and “Pro Zdorovje” Magazine distributed as attachment to the latter, plus “Zdorovje” Magazine. The content analysis of the health-related coverage of the subject media vehicles demonstrated that the editions tend to abuse the public interest to a variety of health topics for advertising purposes that means that they are not much interested to promote health agenda as a genuine human value. The content analysis has demonstrated that the present policies of the editions give the top priority to the consumer culture promotion and sales advertising rather than their statutory health imaging agenda.

Keywords: health imaging policies of mass media, Russian population.


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