Mas-wrestlers' competitive fitness optimizing at sport excellence stage



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.79-80

UDC 796.015.6

V.N. Loginov
Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Objective of the study was to find ways to optimize the precompetitive fitness of top-skilled mas-wrestlers at the sport excellence stage. The study was performed at Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport (CSIPCS) and timed to the Republican competitions. Subject to the study were 30 mas-wrestlers qualified Candidates for Master of Sport and Masters of Sport, the subjects being tested prior to, during and after the competitions. Our analysis of the available theoretical and practical reference literature on the subject followed by questioning surveys found that the modern mas-wrestling sport is still in need of comprehensive studies of the prestart functional conditions. Competitive action in the modern mas-wrestling is very short in time versus the other single combat sports, with the physical qualities and abilities being mobilized in a split second in competitions; they may be classified into the speed-strength qualities, explosive force, maximum strength, and strength agility. It is the competitive fitness that plays a key role in the above abilities and qualities being efficiently mobilized.

Keywords: mas-wrestling, athletic training process design, athletic training, competitive fitness, single combat, strength sports.


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