Individualized training process vector and content for gymnastic balance beam exercises at advanced specialization stage



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.66-68

UDC 796.413

Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Gorelov1
E.N. Artemova2
Dr.Hab., Professor O.G. Rumba1
1Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2Holmen Tropp Gymnastics Club, Norway, Asker

The study considers the training process individualization methods for the gymnastic balance beam exercises. The study data and analyses of the highly-skilled gymnasts’ anthropometrics, neurodynamic qualities, functionality rates, physical performance rates and technical fitness rates gave the grounds to recommend the gymnasts being classified into a few typological groups. Each group was specific in its dominant motor conditions, neurodynamic qualities, vegetative regulation type, personal and situational anxiety levels and anthropometrics. It should be noted that we found no strong correlations of the subject parameters within the correlation matrix that may be indicative of the high individualities of the subject gymnasts and low intergroup typological differences. This finding confirms the need in a top priority being given to individualisation of the balance beam training processes with the practices being reasonalby customised to every gymnast.

Keywords: balance beam exercises at advanced specialization stage, training process individualisation, anthropometrics, neurodynamic qualities, functional condition, physical working capacity, motor qualities, technical fitness.


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