Young people's motor activity encouraging fitness technologies based on global approach



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.54-56

UDC 796.012.1

PhD, Associate Professor T.N. Shutova1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.B. Andryushchenko1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

The Russian national education system is in the process of the Bologna System implementation project designed to help integrate the national higher school to the European educational universe. The study was designed to consider the promising ways of the modern fitness technology application to counter obesity viewed by many as a global epidemic. It is in this context that the international research community has given increasingly high priority to the physical education system reforms to secure high educational and health standards worldwide. The article considers theoretical basics for the applicable fitness technologies and their benefits for the academic physical education system provided the relevant training processes are modernized with their contents, values, components and technologies being duly revised. An educational experiment under the study was used to develop and test the design and contents of the fitness-driven physical education process and offer a frame primary education model. As a result, a physical fitness building educational model was developed to help train for the GTO Complex tests via the fitness-driven practices and sets of test exercises.

Keywords: global approach, motor activity, university students, physical culture, fitness, test exercises, health.


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