Integrated analysis of elite athletes' special fitness and adaptive responsiveness rating citeria



Теория и практика физической культуры №2 2017, pp.74-76

UDC 796.012

Dr.Hab., Professor E.A. Shirkovetz1
PhD, Associate Professor I.L. Rybina2
Dr.Hab., Professor B.N. Shustin1
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
2Republican Research and Practical Neurology and Neurosurgery Centre, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Innovative aspect of the study is due to the systemic approach to the analyses of bio-energetic, ergometric and biochemical markers of the elite athletes’ special working capacity in the endurance-intensive sports.
Having analyzed the special fitness criteria, we found that an efficient training process management system will be based on due assessments of variable parameters to rate the physical loads and their impacts versus the adaptive capabilities of the athletes.

Keywords: elite athletes’ fitness criteria, practical recommendations.


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