Vertical postural control improvement using training simulators in application to health-impaired children with musculoskeletal functionality disorders



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.43-45

UDC 796.01:612

PhD N.A. Gross1
T.L. Sharova1
I.Y. Berkutova1
G.V. Bukanova1
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

The study was designed to study effects of special physical exercises on the vertical postural control as verified by stabilograms of disabled children diagnosed with motor disorders including: infantile cerebral palsy, autism and combined health disorders. The proposed sets of exercises resulted in the virtually equal cases of vertical postural control improvement and impairment, and this finding may be indicative of the need of the exercises being customized to the individual health requirements by the types and intensity levels. The vertical postural control sagging after some high-intensity exercises may be attributed to the growing fatigue albeit the resultant movement coordination disorders were temporal. The notable improvements of the vertical postural control following the low-intensity and fairly long treadmill practices may be interpreted as indicative of the rhythmic cyclic movements being beneficial for the postural control function.

Keywords: vertical postural control, motor abilities, infantile cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, physical exercises, training simulator.


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