Deaf and hearing-impaired young people's everyday physical activity profiling by IPAQ



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.39-42

UDC 796.035

Dr.Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov1
Associate professor, PhD M.N. Malkov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

The study was designed to profile the seasonal everyday physical activity (PA) of the young people diagnosed with different hearing impairments. IPAQ was used to survey 40 people of 25.9±2.97 years of age with different degrees of the auditory function deficits. One study group was composed of hearing-impaired men (HIM, n=11) and women (HIW, n=9), and the other group of deaf men (DM, n=11) and women (DW, n=9) with the relevant diagnoses. The subjects were requested to fill-in the Russian version of IPAQ in autumn 2015 and spring 2016. The study found the deaf and hearing-impaired subjects being more active (less sitting) in the spring time versus the autumn time (F(1.78)=3.6864, p=0.052). The physical activity energy costs for the deaf subjects were found lower in spring versus autumn: 2641 (2564; 4717) versus 2449 (2082; 3268) МЕТ/min per week for the physical activity in metabolic equivalent (p<0.05). The share of low-active deaf subjects sitting for 6-9 hours per day was found to grow in the spring time from 10% to 15% whilst the hearing-impaired people were found to be modestly active for the whole year. However, the study found among the latter a subgroup of low-active individual sitting for 6-9 hours per day and, therefore, being in need of the sitting behaviour correction initiatives like the ones applied to deaf people.

Keywords: physical activity, motor activity, hearing impairment, IPAQ form, 20-30 years-old adults.


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