Adaptive physical education at inclusive schools to facilitate mental and physical development of children with visual impairments



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017, pp.  35-37

UDC 796.011.3

Associate Professor, PhD A.S. Suntsova1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor A.A. Baranov1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.B. Vorozhtsova1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Reported in the article are the inclusive education model tests for the model including physical education as an obligatory component of the school education process for the children’s mental and physical development and socializing process. Tests and experiments under the study were performed at a general education school where some children with vision impairments are trained. The adaptive physical education and sport system with the relevant methods and tools was designed by the school teachers together with physicians based on the school sessions and loads being individualized so as to generally develop the child’s bodily compensatory abilities, improve health and personality self-fulfillment. The study obtained the school children’s motivation (by the N.G. Luskanova test method), self-assessment (by the Dembo-Rubinstein test method), physical fitness and sickness (acute respiratory diseases plus flu) rates. The study of junior schoolchildren demonstrated high efficiency of the combination of the physical training and sport methods and technologies adapted to the children with vision impairments, particularly their compensatory, health protection and developmental effects in application to the education and training process at inclusive school.

Keywords: inclusive education, inclusive education environment, adaptive physical education, children with health disorders.


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