Conflict triggers in schoolchildren's physical education process: factor analysis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017, pp. 29-31

UDC 796.01:159.9

Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Bazelyuk1
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Romanov1
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Romanova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk

The article underlines the need for integrated studies of conflict triggers in the schoolchildren’s physical education process. Objective of the study was to analyse the conflict triggers in the school children’s physical education process using factor analysis. The study was designed to perform a comprehensive analysis of the conflict triggers in the school children’s physical education process and support it by practical survey data. The practical stage of the study included questionnaire surveys and trigger classification based on response data and individual interviews of the physical education process participants including the trainees, their families, physical education and sport specialists and conflict analysts. The study identified and classified the key conflict triggering factors including social, psychological, physiological and educational ones, with each group of the triggers being analysed. Detailed diagnostics of the conflict triggers give the means to find the most efficient ways to prevent, mitigate and settle conflicts in the interpersonal relationship of the physical education process participants to facilitate further progress of the students’ physical education system.

Keywords: physical education, schoolchildren, conflict, factor analysis, constructive settlement of conflicts.


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