In honour of 85th anniversary of Udmurt State University



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017, pp. 3-5

UDC 796 (091)

Associate Professor, PhD A.E. Alabuzhev1
Associate Professor, PhD G.B. Severukhin1
Associate Professor, PhD R.Kh. Mitrichenko1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

The article gives an overview of the history of academic physical education and sports at Udmurt State University for the 85-year period since its establishment back in 1931. It describes the key historical events and acknowledges the historical contributions of the leading academic enthusiasts to the university sports and physical education. Special emphasis is made on the historical account of the Physical Education Department that is widely acknowledged today as a leader of the academic physical education process in the Republic of Udmurtia. For the past 85 years Udmurt State University has both evolved to a leader of the physical education specialist training in the Republic and developed the top-quality base facilities for the Republican track-and-field, ski racing, women’s handball, table tennis, basketball, volleyball and some other elite teams. The research schools that have been established and matured at the Physical Culture and Sports Institute under the University provide the training system design and management services to the leading university and Republican athletes in every stage of the training process. Udmurt State University is commonly acknowledged today as a leader in academic sports in the Republic of Udmurtia and sport is its landmark.

Keywords: Udmurt State University, academic sports, research schools, physical education specialist training.


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